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Winter 2022/23

Welcome to the first CYBERSPACE newsletter!

CYBERSPACE is a three-year project funded by the European Union's Internal Security Fund - Police programme. The project aims to provide policymakers, law enforcement agencies and the private sector with a more comprehensive understanding of cybercrime and cyberattacks in the EU. Insights will be used to develop investigative tools, improve information sharing, and better detection, response and prevention of cybercrime.

Every six months CYBERSPACE will release a newsletter with project activities and project related content such as blogs, reports, events and conferences.

Read more about the project on our website or keep scrolling down to check out our latest news below.

Watch CYBERSPACE's introduction video:



The CYBERSPACE consortium is made up of 11 partners from eight EU countries, covering a variety of sectors related to cybersecurity: research and technology organisations, law enforcement agencies, governmental institutions, cybersecurity, privacy and ethical technology companies. The CYBERSPACE project is coordinated by Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst in Bayern (University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Legal Affairs in Bavaria). 


Latest news and updates from CYBERSPACE 

The first annual CYBERSPACE consortium meeting - 13 December 2022

On 13 December 2022, the CYBERSPACE consortium met in Fürstenfeldbruck (Germany) at the premises of the Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst in Bayern to come together for the first annual CYBERSPACE consortium meeting. 

After a warm introduction from the project coordinator, the project partners discussed the progress of their work over the course of the first year since the project commenced in December 2021. Each partner provided an update on their tasks and an outlook on their objectives and targets for 2023. 


CYBERSPACE joined forces with CC-DRIVER to host a joint webinar 

On 20 September 2022, CYBERSPACE and CC-DRIVER projects came together and hosted an online webinar on cybersecurity. 

The Centre for Security Studies (KEMEA), in their work as a partner in the CYBERSPACE project, discussed findings from their stakeholder analysis, highlighting different stakeholders' involvement, interest, response, influence, impact and stance taken against cybersecurity issues when they were affected by cybercriminal activities. 

From CC-DRIVER, The Information Security Forum (ISF) present the results of their policy gap analysis, discussed their analytical framework for effective policymaker response, and shared their initial work on the development of a policy toolkit to respond to the policy gaps highlighted. 


CYBERSPACE presented at the United Nation's General Assembly Ad Hoc Committee

On 24-25 March 2022, Privanova presented CYBERSPACE at the Panel discussion 'Cybersecurity Challenges for Law Enforcement Agencies' at the First Intersessional Consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes. 

Privanova presented the main aims and objectives of CYBERSPACE, alongside the other EU funded projects CC-DRIVER and TRACE, informing UN Member States of the ongoing and upcoming work within these projects to tackle cybercrime and support law enforcement agencies. 

Find out more information about the event here


CYBER-opinions: Our blogs

“If you see something, say something” but “Who you gonna call?” – Problems in the reporting of cybercrime

Cybercrimes in Europe are severely underreported and the process for reporting cybercrimes varies from country to country. Nikola Tomic (Trilateral Research) discusses the key issues in cybercrime reporting that the EU is facing and gives insight into the steps CYBERSPACE is taking to improve the reporting of cyberattacks. 


Copyright infringement as a form of cybercrime

CYBERSPACE partner, PRIVANOVA, explores copyright infringement as a form of cybercrime, the EU Cybersecurity Strategy and relevant research initiatives to tackle copyright infringement. 


Cybercrime & Cyberattacks: A matter of different involvement, interest and influence

The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) highlights some of the key findings from a CYBERSPACE survey conducted in 2022 to gain a greater understanding into the EU cybersecurity landscape. 


Report cybercrimes and get your data back

The latest CYBERSPACE blogpost by Ranieri Argentini (Netherlands Forensic Institute) investigates how reporting helped police retrieve data after a Deadbolt ransomware attack. 


Coming soon in CYBERSPACE


CYBERSPACE will be setting up an LEA Working Group, a discussion group of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) that aims for an exchange of experiences and best practices with a specific focus on cybercrime. These meetings are open to any LEA external to the project and will provide safe space for LEAs to discuss about the human, social and societal aspects of security problems and their remedies.

CYBERSPACE will be taking over the already existing CC-DRIVER LEA Working Group, as the CC-DRIVER project is coming to an end. Meetings will be held as online conference calls and will be organised by the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) on a quarterly basis. 

The first CYBERSPACE LEA WG meeting topic for discussion will be "Initial analysis of practices, methodologies and technologies for enhancing LEAs' cross border collaboration" and will take place on the first/second week of February.


If you are a LEA and would like to join the LEA Working Group, please contact the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA):

LEA Cluster News & Events


CYBERSPACE is proud to be part of the LEA Cluster, a network of twenty European Commission funded security projects: CC-DRIVER, COPKIT, CTC - Cut the Cord, CYBERCRIME EXIT, CYCLOPES, DARLENE, FREETOOL, HEROES, INSPECTr, LAW-GAME, LOCARD, NOTIONES, PREVISION, PROTAX, RAYUELA, ROXANNE, STARLIGHT, Tools4LEAS and TRACE

Recognising that our projects have common stakeholders and similar objectives, the LEA cluster was formed with the aim of supporting research and innovation for law enforcement to be equipped to tackle organised crime and terrorism.


CC-DRIVER & RAYUELA - International Summit on Youth and Crime

The International Summit on Youth and Cybercrime will take place on 1 March 2023 within the framework of CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA projects, initiatives funded by the European Union to understand the drivers of cybercriminality and research methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminal behaviour.

Hosted by the Valencia Local Police in the city of Valencia (Spain), it will provide a platform for researchers from the CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA projects to present their results and main findings focusing on the implications for policy and practice. The Summit is intended to be a discussion forum, where high-level experts in the field will share their research, best practices and lessons learned, adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, to better tackle cybercriminality, with a special focus on young people. The audience will be comprised of policy makers, law enforcement agencies, research, industry and academia, education and other experts in the field of cybercrime and cybersecurity.

All news and information surrounding the summit can be found on the CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA websites. 


TRACE - Newsletter #3 is out now

The latest issue of the TRACE newsletter is out now, with news and resources from the world of money laundering. You can read issue three here, catch up on previous editions, and sign up to receive future updates.


ROXANNE - The H2020 funded project comes to an end 


ROXANNE is concluding after three years, but you can still access more than forty expert blogs, training materials, and other outputs relating to its work to create innovative tools to disrupt organised crime networks. The platform will be released to law enforcement agencies in early 2023, and all resources will be available on the website.


This project was funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund — Police (ISFP) programme under grant agreement No 101035861.

The content of this newsletter represent(s) the views of the author(s) only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.


You are receiving this newsletter because you have opted in via our website or expressed interest in the project (informed consent, GDPR Art. 6.1.a), or because you work in a field related to the topics covered by the project (legitimate interest, GDPR Art. 6.1.f). 

Our mailling address is:


Marine Point (2nd Floor), Belview Port

Waterford, X91 W0XW
